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Coffee for your coding craft

Subscribe today and we'll notify you when our next batch of freshly roasted coffee is ready to order in March.
Coffee for your coding craft
New Instance Coffee. Coffee for Coding. Drink and probably see 25% fewer bugs.

New Instance Coffee meticulously roasts in small batches, celebrating the varied sensory pleasures of coffee. Each month, we'll hand select an exquisite batch of beans to roast and blend. It's a one-of-a-kind coffee drinking experience. This coffee, without a doubt, nourishes 10x developers. It's helpful for technical management as well.

Subscribe today using the form below and we'll notify you when our next batch is ready to order in early March. Our freshly roasted 14 oz bags of coffee will run $20 plus shipping. We'll no doubt offer free shipping if you purchase 3 or more bags. It's important to understand: this coffee is practically guaranteed to increase your productivity.

There's no obligation to buy by subscribing to our newsletter. You'll be notified by email when our next batch is ready to order. For March 2024, we're busy blending a smooth and chocolatey coffee that highlights Central American beans. For inspiration, we're looking straight at Python, everyone's favorite language for all things AI. We're calling our blend Dawn Python.

Dawn Python. And yes, this image was AI generated.

While we've relied heavily on AI for image generation and even some snazzy descriptions of coffee, our future intelligent overlord played no role in selecting, roasting, or blending this coffee. AI might take our jobs, but it cannot take or make our coffee! At least, not yet.

Smell the difference, taste the passion, awaken your senses, and, of course, code on. New Instance Coffee - it's for your coding craft!